Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Technology predictions 2010

It is hard to talk about this without being too boring. But I will try to do it quickly.

2010 came at a very pivotal time in history in many ways:

  • With the looming arrival of the Nexus One ("Google Phone") and the pre-existing Droid phone with the Android OS, the competition with the iPhone is sure to reveal some interesting smart phones in 2010.
  • Apple also has been on a slight break from new releases, signaling the potential arrival of new products in the coming year, like the Apple iPad.
  • Also, on the headlines, not so long ago, was an article about the arrival of a 3-D television. While it does cost more than any HD television currently out on the market, if stations put up enough 3-D cable channels, this TV might just be a success. Just put on special glasses and you'll be watching TV in 3-D! Be on the lookout for more 3-D technology in the months to come.

Information Technology predictions

Even with the predict 3.2% growth for the IT industry, it looks like the market won't be very generous in 2010. Mainly because it is consurned to reuse and adaptation of equipments and systems already in place.

  • The mobile phone will receive more attention.
  • Cloud computing will become a more viable option for online businesses.
  • Green IT companies will be given more value then others.
  • New programming languages will hit the main stream: Clojure and Go.

Emerging Trends in IT

With entertainment currently varying in miniscule ways, it is refreshing to see innovations in the 3-D coming to life in our everyday technology. Finally, it is a safe bet to say that the established social networks Facebook and Twitter will have very interesting innovations to come that will integrate more fully with our life, what with the omnipotence of smart phones.

Interesting Internet Facts

The internet is indeed an ever-expanding vast computer network which links small computer networks worldwide. The whole globe takes advantage of the internet and there are certain facts about it which cannot be hidden. Of course, if you wanted to find and acknowledge interesting internet facts without encountering any difficulties, you would have to analyze the following valid details as follows;

  1. Basically, the internet allows social networking to operate on the internet and exist as online businesses. Socializing by virtual means is possible because of the internet. Without the internet social networking websites like Facebook and MySpace wouldn't have expanded. Businesses have taken advantage of the internet and increased their revenues every year. Banks, health and financial companies are all using the internet to grow their businesses. This makes the internet a benign thing as it supports communication. Through the internet, many technological businesses are able to email their clients everyday.
  2. The internet allows many people to gain knowledge. In fact, many people have been able to increase their knowledge through search engines like Yahoo Search, Bing and Google Search. By the help of Wikipedia, search engine users can find articles and information about blogging platforms like WordPress, Blogger and TypePad. Without the internet, school children and professors will spend hours in libraries browsing through science books for information about photosynthesis and the Big Bang theory. There is no doubt that the internet is very interesting as it allows people to enrich their knowledge by absolute virtual ways.

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