Thursday, 17 February 2011

Scientific exchange

Innovation projects with Switzerland, France and Japan are now funded and in place to start a new era in the Brazilian technology. Bilateral agreements will help delivering an incredible amount of money into research. Biomass fuel, neglected diseases and effective treatments, scientific development and knowledge transfer are some of the goals of this interesting exchange.

Infrastructure of Brazil is still far away from ideal, floods, energy cuts, inflation. However the near future seems prominent since Internet broadband will finally hit the poor and new government reforms promise less space for corruption.

A new satellite is coming and the green movement is making progress in defending a country without hydroelectric power plants, extremely damaging to the environment and native tribes as well as space consuming.

Petrobras to produce even more oil out of Pre-Sal

Credit: Petrobras INT and Petrobras to develop technology to increase pre-salt productivity The National Institute of Technology (IN...

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