First of all: of course they are profiting money out of our content, but we can make money out of their visitors as well.
Google advertisement on its news aggregator had its legitimacy questioned by the Italian Federation of Newspaper Publishers. When you search for news, Google presents blog posts and newspapers' feeds merged with their own adverts. That means they are not sharing revenues with other companies that are, ultimately, generating their content for them. The FIEG (Italian federation) are interested in knowing the amount the big G is making from clicks so they can know how much money they are "giving" to Google every day. Don't know about you but I'm surprised that no one had complained about it already...
News about governmental investments and market advancements in scientific and technological development in Brasil.
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Petrobras to produce even more oil out of Pre-Sal
Credit: Petrobras INT and Petrobras to develop technology to increase pre-salt productivity The National Institute of Technology (IN...

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